Friday, January 12, 2024

weekly update


The second graders worked on
finding ways to represent double digit numbers.
We are starting a new unit, and will be learning all about persuasive writing.  We are going to start this unit with a topic all the kids know about...Winter!  They are going to write their opinion about winter, and the reasons that support that opinion.

Next week we will also start writing a movie review. Having just finished the holiday break, and now having some snow days, the kids may have watched some movies recently! Hopefully they will all have an easy time thinking of a movie they could write a review about.


We are starting a new unit on money.  At home you can help them with counting coins, and really going over the difference between the nickel, dime, and quarter. We will continue our work on tens and ones and using them to add and subtract double digit numbers as well.


Partners can read the same book . . .
I am so excited to get to listen to each of the kiddos read to me next week.  I already started some running records in class, and I'm so excited about the growth I have been seeing!  At this point of the year, second graders need to be at a level L, and by the end of the year a level M. Most of the kids aren't aware of their exact level, because I don't make that big of a deal about it, but by the end of next week they should have a good idea if they are on track, a little ahead or a little behind. Our next reading unit has us doing lots of partner reading and peer coaching as we work on  decoding bigger words. and comprehending longer books. 

or they can read two different books.
It just depends on their goals!


We are working on Bigger, Longer, more Complex Words for the BLC company.  We are using strategies to break long words up, so that we can spell them, and read them when we see them in text. Next week we will learning more about syllable types and how knowing the syllable rules can help with both spelling and reading.

The students worked in teams
to spell some really big words!


I did not have homework ready to send home on Thursday ahead of the snow day, but I did let anyone who wanted to bring home a book or two from class. Remind your second grader to read at least 20 min over the next few days! Another great "homework"assignment would be to put a big pile of coins in front of them and have your child sort and count them!

Extra Information:

Valentine's Day celebration Wednesday, February 14th

Mid-Winter Break on the Monday and Tuesday, Feb 12 & 13.

I know that Valentine's Day is more than a month away, but I wanted to let you all know that in second grade we make our own Valentines in class!  No need to buy any at the store!  However, we would LOVE for some fun stickers or decorations to jazz up our valentines.  We use Valentine writing to teach how to write letters to people.  So we require each student to write three sentences to each member of the class.  An adult will read and help edit as necessary every card before it is decorated and "mailed".  It's so awesome to see each of the kids read their cards when they receive them.  Also, if you still want to give candy/small toy with the valentines, you can definitely do that...I know some kids really still want to do that, but you definitely don't have to!

We also make our own Valentine boxes in class. We will use empty cereal boxes, so if you could save and send those in we would really appreciate it! It doesn't have to be a cereal box, but a box around that size works best. We take them apart, lay them flat to decorate, and then I hot glue them back together into Valentine boxes!

If this is starting to sound like a lot of work, you are right! I would love to have parent volunteers come in on Friday mornings from 9-9:45 and help edit Valentines. We should be ready for help this coming Friday. Closer to the celebration we will need help gluing boxes, and we will for sure need snacks for the big day! If any of this sounds like fun to you and you are available please let me know!

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