Friday, November 10, 2023

weekly update

Important Information:

November 13 and 15- Parent Teacher Conferences.  I can't wait to see you all and talk about how much your child has already grown since the start of the school year!

November 17- Pie Making Day.  Every child will need to bring in their own apples! Everyone will need about 6 peeled and sliced medium sized apples brought to school on pie making day.  If you signed up to bring other items for the pies, please have them to school here by November 13, since we will start measuring and sorting out everything beforehand. It's just the apples we are asking to bring the day of.  THANK YOU! 


The second graders have been working on their non-fiction piece about their expert topic.  So far, we have written an introduction and a conclusion and talked about how they are similar to each other and mirror a lead and a wrap-up in narrative writing. We also wrote all of our chapter headings and topic sentences. Writing a main idea and supporting details can be tricky for second graders. It is still tricky for most of them to identify the main idea in a piece of writing. Anytime you can talk to your child about the main idea - of anything - it really helps their critical thinking!


A math screener (on green paper) will come home on Monday.  These are formative assessments, not final grades! They help me decide what I need to make sure to work on with the whole class, and what most already know how to do.  Do not worry if your child didn't get them all correct since some of these concepts are still newer and we haven't covered them YET.  I am pretty happy with this group's number sense and I know that telling time is an area we will focus on as a class. Reach out if you have questions once you see it! This week we have spent a lot of time measuring. Ask your second grader about the "beans" we measured! 


We have continued reading our non-fiction books, but this week I wasn't as insistent that the second graders spend as much time on informational books. Next week we start our third reading unit which is all about longer books with longer words.


We went on a safari hunt! The kids had so fun looking around the school for all of the phonics we have been learning the last two weeks. Ask your student about all of the camouflaged consonants we studied and the imposter that showed up for the safari!


The math page is due by November 17 (Pie making day!)

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