Friday, October 20, 2023

weekly update


We almost finished our nonfiction book about Hudsonville History this week. The kids were really into learning about Hudsonville's past, and looking at old photographs of Hudsonville. We will look at those one more time next week and then I'll put them away to save them for when we start writing our own expert books.

Next week we will do some creative writing to get us ready for Halloween.  Hope you are ready to read some spooky stories!


The second graders have been having so much fun at math stations! They have been learning and getting lots of fact practice too! We took a math test on the unit we have been working on. The tests with scoresheets will be coming home next week, so make sure to check your child's folder early in the week. When you look over your child's test you will notice many "new" types of problems. One of the hard things about a new program is that the second graders have not had two previous years of exposure to and practice with the way the program asks questions or the language that is used (4+5 and 5+4 could be switch partners or turn-around facts). When I scored this math test I tried to see what the second graders understood about the math, even if they didn't get the problem correct. That is the nice thing about having a standards based-report card. I don't give the second graders a score based on the number of problems they got correct. I use the score as an indication of how much they understand. I hope that helps when you are looking at your child's test. Also, if you see something that you think should have been scored differently, or that you don't understand please let me know! This is my first time through this program too!

Social Studies:

The second graders used all that they learned in Social Studies to help write their informational book. We also took a test about Hudsonville History, so that's another thing to check for in your child's folder! We will hang in to the Hudsonville books for a little while longer as we prepare for informational writing.


We are still reading nonfiction books about our chosen topics, which will really help us prepare to write expert books. This week the second graders collected and sorted expert vocabulary words related to their topics. Next week the second graders will have the opportunity to read some Halloween-themed books as well as continue reading informational books. 


We have a fun pie-making service project coming up in about a month. There are some supplies we will need, and the stores start running low the closer we get to Thanksgiving. Check out the Supply Sign-Up Genius link on the right side of the blog to see what we still need! 


The math paper is due by Friday, October 27.

Extra Information:

October 23- No School
October 27- We are going to celebrate Croc Day on October 27 (the real day is October 23, but we don't have school).  So, if your child owns a pair of crocs, have them wear them to school. If your child doesn't have crocs, don't worry! We have something planned : )
October 31- Halloween.  We will be having a parade, and would love for you to come!  Please have your child wear his/her costume to school, (and bring extra clothes JUST IN CASE your child wants to change at school and not wear their costume all day).  We will begin the parade at 9:15.  Here is the route:

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