Friday, March 15, 2024

weekly update


We are working hard on writing persuasive letters about books. Everyone wrote a letter to Mrs Stefanich recommending a book and she wrote back to the class!! In her letter she mentioned everyone by name and talked about their book recommendation. It was really fun to see and hear (I read it out loud to the class) her respond to what the second graders wrote. We also wrote to authors about their books and gave opinions, asked questions, and made suggestions. We also wrote to our former student teacher Miss T about books she will need to have in her own classroom someday! The second graders even wrote persuasive letters to the leprechaun who might visit our classroom on St Patrick's Day!!


We are still working in our series book clubs, and finding ways our authors used literary language, how the authors write with a similar style across series, and what the author's message is in our books. Next week the second graders will be working on posters advertising the series they read. They will use specific details and examples from the books to persuade others to read the series too.

Social Studies :

We listened to reader's theaters last week which dealt with common public issues. The second graders had to take a stand and explain their position. It was great practice in problem solving, having discussions, and respectfully disagreeing. Next week we are hoping to fit in a Second Grade City Council meeting and we will be studying another feeling word: embarrassed. 


Money, money, money!  We are doing so many fun things with money right now!  Your kids may have come home and told you about how they all received money, and can even buy things in our classroom!  This is not only rewarding kids for their great behavior, but also a great way to learn the values of the different coins by handling them directly, as well as add and subtract money! If your child doesn't know the names and values of coins sorting and counting pocket change is great at home practice.


The math page is due by March 22.

Extra Information:

Thanks so much to all of the Mystery Readers we have had visit our classroom so far. It has been so fun having you in and hearing the books you choose for us!

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